Gethsemane Ministries is a lay catholic movement founded in 1997 in the Archdiocese of Toronto, to promote evangelization, strengthen Catholic faith, Christian family values and charity, through fellowship, prayer and reflection of scriptures.

Years of Prayer & Ministry
22 +
Spiritual Events & Retreats
2492 +
Anointed Speakers
192 +


Check out our ongoing and upcoming virtual LIVE streamed events.

Our Centre

Gethsemane Centre is God's answer to the sacrifice and prayers of many families.

Prayer Request

Send us your prayer intentions and let our intercessory team pray for you.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.” Psalm 100:4

Gethsemane Centre Jubilee Year of Hope 2025

Jubilee Year of Hope 2025

We are pleased to announce that Gethsemane Centre has been designated as a Pilgrimage Centre by the Diocese of St. Catharines in this Jubilee Year of Hope 2025. The Pilgrim Cross is placed for veneration in the Chapel honoring Our Lady of Grace – Kreupasanam. We invite you to visit and pray in this Jubilee Year whenever you get a chance, to obtain the Indulgences.

Ongoing & Upcoming Events

Be Fruitful - Married Couples Retreat

Join us on Feb 22 an 23 for weekend retreat to reflect on your marriage, and to reconcile, restore and celebrate your marriage and live a fruitful married family life as God designed for you. Register today!

Saturday Day Retreat

Join us at our Centre every third Saturday of the month from 10am to 5pm for our Saturday Day Retreat. We'll begin with Holy Mass followed by talks by guest speakers, adoration, and fellowship. Register today!

Hour of Mercy Prayer

Join us on 'Zoom' call for daily 'Hour of Mercy' Prayer Service everyday at 3:00 pm. Let us pray and ask God to pour out his Love and Mercy on this world during this unprecedented time and heal this world.

First Friday and Night Vigil

Please join us for the First Friday and Night Vigil at Gethsemane Centre in Welland. We will begin at 7:15 pm with the Holy Rosary, Praise & Worship, Holy Mass at 8:00 pm, Adoration and Night Vigil.

Wednesday Adoration

Join us at our Centre every Wednesday from 10:30am to 4:00pm for all day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We'll begin with Holy Mass at 10:30am followed by Exposition and Devotion to St. Joseph.

Weekly Prayer Meeting

Join us every Friday (except First Friday) for prayer meetings from 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm at Our Lady of the Airways Church in Mississauga. Subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming events.

"Dialogue with God" course by Domenic Inneo

In less than 30 minutes per day, under 30 days you will know exactly what conversational prayer with God can look, sound and feel like, so when God reveals Himself through this course’s prayer methods, you will know how to recognize His still, small voice, learn to trust it and ultimately converse with Him.

Domenic Inneo How to Dialogue with God

Let us pray for you.

Send your special intention that you would like us to pray. Our intercessory team at Gethsemane Ministries will keep these intentions in their prayers. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20


Testimonials: God has done great things in our midst

Read and be inspired by some of the miraculous testimonials on how God has intervened in the lives of his children and blessed them during the the time of their need. Also, you can share your testimony and be a witness to others.

Like & Share us on Facebook

Join our Facebook page for inspiring daily bible verses and spiritual content. ‘Like’ us and share our content with your family & friends.

Would You Consider Making A Small Donation Of $5?

Gethsemane Ministries is a charitable organization solely funded by kind and generous donors like you. With the increasing demand on the Ministry and to maintain our ongoing activities, we are in need of funds. The Lord has given us great opportunities for New Evangelization, Renewal and Spiritual Services to humbly complement the mission of the Church. It is our earnest prayer and sincere desire to reach out to even more people as there is a tremendous need. “The harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few” Matthew 9:37. Your generous donation will help someone to find the much needed solace, spiritual strength and healing through our Christ-centered Ministry.