Donation - Support Us

“…but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20

Gethsemane Ministries is a charitable organization solely funded by kind and generous donors like you. With the increasing demand on the Ministry and to maintain our ongoing activities, we are in need of funds. The Lord has given us great opportunities for New Evangelization, Renewal and Spiritual Services to humbly complement the mission of the Church. It is our earnest prayer and sincere desire to reach out to even more people as there is a tremendous need. “The harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few” Matthew 9:37. Your generous donation will help someone to find the much needed solace, spiritual strength and healing through our Christ-centered Ministry.

By donating to Gethsemane Ministries you will support:

  • Evangelization
  • Spiritual conferences & retreats
  • The maintenance and growth of the Gethsemane Centre in Wellandport
  • Spiritual comfort to those in need
  • Healing intercessory prayers for the sick
  • Hope and restoration to marriages and families
Gethsemane Centre 2

Donate via Interac e-Transfer

If you wish to donate using Interac e-Transfer then please use the below email address to send your donation:

Mail in a donation

In order to mail in a donation, we ask cheques be made payable to “Gethsemane Ministries” and mail your check to: 84008 Wellandport Road, Wellandport, ON L0R 2J0

Recurring Donation

You can make a big difference every day by opting for our Monthly Giving. To make a recurring donation, please visit our kindful donation page.

Other ways of giving

Memorial Gift: Honor the memory of a loved one or friend through a Memorial gift, while spreading the Word of God.
Legacy Gift: A Legacy Gift to Gethsemane Ministries will assist our Evangelization efforts for many years to come, while providing mutual financial advantages to you, your family and the Ministry.
Loan: This is a Five-year term loan to support the events & activities of our ministry, and maintenance of our centre.